Curriculum Vitae

Christina L. Upchurch


Rice University, 6100 Main Street, MS-25

Houston, TX 77005

November 5, 2011



Ph.D. – Industrial/Organizational Psychology                                            Expected 2014

Rice University, Houston, TX


M.A. – Industrial/Organizational Psychology                                             Expected 2012

Rice University, Houston, TX


B.A. – Psychology, Summa Cum Laude                                                     2008

University of St. Thomas, Houston, TX




Bradford, A., Upchurch, C., Bass, D., Judge, K., Snow, A. L., Wilson, N., & Kunik, M. (2011). Knowledge of documented dementia diagnosis and treatment in veterans and their caregivers. American Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Dementias, 26, 127-133.


Manuscripts in preparation


Villado, A. J., Upchurch, C. L., & Randall, J. Expert-led after-action review training: Examining the effect on complex task performance, knowledge, and self-efficacy.


Villado, A. J., Upchurch, C. L., & Randall, J. Complex team-based task performance: Examining the effect of individual personality.


Works in progress


Villado, A. J., Randall, J., & Upchurch, C. L. Psychometric bias due to retesting on cognitive ability tests: The effect of item type on construct measurement.


Conference presentations


Upchurch, C. L, Villado, A. J., & Randall, J. (Submitted). Team Personality and Team Performance in a Laboratory Setting.  Posted submitted to the annual meeting of the Society of Industrial Organizational Psychology (SIOP), San Diego, CA.


Randall, J, Villado, A. J., & Upchurch, C. L,. (Submitted). Resistance of Language-free Cognitive Ability Assessments to Retest Effects.  Posted submitted to the annual meeting of the Society of Industrial Organizational Psychology (SIOP), San Diego, CA.


Upchurch, C., Zimmer, M., & Woodard, L. (December, 2008). Smoking cessation treatment options for patients with schizophrenia: Are they enough?  Poster presented at the 9th Annual Health Services and Outcomes Research Conference, Houston, TX.


Upchurch, C., Pantoja, P., Gonzalez, S., McAlpine, I., & Maynard, E. (May, 2008).  Relationships among religious motivation, political affiliation, and environmental attitudes and behaviors.  Poster presented at the 2008 Annual Association for Psychological Science Convention, Chicago, IL.


Pantoja, P., Burton, M., McAlpine, I., Upchurch, C., & White, K. (April, 2008). Evaluating the psychometric properties of the “Lone Wolf” scale.  Poster presented at the University of St. Thomas Undergraduate Research Symposium, Houston, TX.


Professional Experience


Baylor College of Medicine; Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical Center, HSR&D Center of Excellence    

            Research Coordinator                                                                    June 2008 – June 2010                                      

Study: Randomized controlled trial of incentivizing guidelines for hypertension to control blood pressure (Principal Investigator: Laura Petersen, MD, MPH)

Duties: Assisted in collecting and entering data, prepared data for statistical analysis, attended weekly project meetings, participated in the hiring and training of new chart abstractor (research coordinator) candidates


Research Experience


Rice University, Department of Psychology

Research Assistant/Villado Lab Co-Manager                                  August 2010 – Present

Assisted in measure development and designing research protocols; managed undergraduate research assistants; led lab meetings; collected data, prepared the data for statistical analysis, and analyzed data using SAS


Teaching Experience


Teaching Assistant

Introduction to Psychology

Dr. James Pomerantz, Rice University                                            Fall 2011

Responsibilities included creating and grading exams; holding office hours; working with students

Introduction to Social Psychology

Dr. Michelle Hebl, Rice University                                                 Spring 2011

Responsibilities included attending each class; holding office hours; organizing course material; grading exams


Academic Tutor, Rice University Athletic Department

Introduction to Psychology (PSYC101)                                        Fall 2011

Statistics for Bioscience Majors (PSYC305)                                 Fall 2011

Statistical Methods for Psychology (PSYC339)                           Fall 2011

Invited Talks


Upchurch, C. L. (2011, November). Two Key Social Psychology Experiments. Guest lecture given in Introduction to Psychology.


Upchurch, C. L. (2010, October). Industrial/Organizational Psychology. Invited presentation at the Annual Careers in Psychology Night at the University of St. Thomas, Houston, TX.


Upchurch, C. L. (2008, October). Research and Psychology. Invited presentation at the Annual Careers in Psychology Night at the University of St. Thomas, Houston, TX.


Honors and Awards


Rice University Graduate Fellowship                                                          2010 – Present

Fellowship ($15,000 annually) & Tuition Waiver                           

Psi Chi, Inducted Spring 2007

The National Honor Society in Psychology

Delta Epsilon Sigma                                                                                    Inducted Fall 2008

National Scholastic Honor Society

Phi Sigma Tau                                                                                              Inducted Fall 2008

The International Honor Society in Philosophy

Dean’s List                                                                                                   2007 – 2008

University of St. Thomas

Professional Memberships


Society for Industrial & Organizational Psychology

Graduate Student Affiliate                                                              2010 – Present

Association for Psychological Science

Graduate Student Affiliate                                                              2010 – Present




Skills4Living Game of Life, Speed Interviewer; Trainer                            July 2011


Computer Skills


Microsoft Office

Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint


Statistical Packages

SAS (Statistical Analysis Software); SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences)


Relevant Graduate Coursework


Advanced Psychology Statistics I

Organizational Psychology

Advanced Psychology Statistics II

Teaching in Psychology

Foundations of I/O Psychology

Group Dynamics

Personnel Psychology

Professional Issues





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